Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Instructor: Dr. Mihir Somaiya
Visceral Manipulation Therapist (VMT) Certificate Course
Instructor: Sarwat Abulmagd
Instructor: Dr. Dhara Shah
Non-invasive Female Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Practitioner
Instructor: Dr. Dhara Shah
ACL Rehabilitation Course - An Integrated Approach
Instructor: Bram Swinnen
ACL Course - Integrated Approach
Instructor: Bram Swinnen
Instructor: Bram Swinnen
Velocity-Based Training (VBT) Masterclass
Instructor: Bram Swinnen
Instructor: Bram Swinnen
Instructor: Jimmy Michael
Instructor: Nikos Karavidas
Instructor: Nikos Karavidas
Instructor: Asha M. Chitnis
Instructor: Mohamed Kassim
Instructor: Mohamed Kassim
Instructor: Dr. Samana Sayed
Vestibular and Balance Rehabilitation
Instructor: Alia Alghwiri
Obstetric Health Rehab Program
Instructor: Dr. Dhara Shah
Instructor: Veronika Nasslerova
ArthroRehab Advanced ACL Rehabilitation Workshop
Instructor: Padmanaban Sekaran
The Art of Pain Management
Instructor: Dr. Aly H. Alatar
ArthroRehab Advanced Spine Rehabilitation Workshop
Instructor: Padmanaban Sekaran
Instructor: Petra Valouchova