PSSE – Schroth is the latest advancement in scoliosis treatment, having a new curve type classification and innovative ideas for 3D concept of correction. It is a unique method that was recently introduced by Nikos Karavidas, for scoliosis and kyphosis treatment. The method is mainly based on the original Schroth method. Nikos was educated in Schroth ISST, Schroth Best Practice, BSPTS-Rigo Concept, SEAS and Lyon methods, and started giving courses since 2017.
The aim of PSSE – Schroth is to introduce a new way of Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE), based on original Schroth method, by adapting some concepts from other PSSE schools, keeping their advantages, and improving their limitations, to create a unique method with innovative techniques and exercises.
Founder - PSSE – Schroth method