Basic and Advanced Spinal and Peripheral Manipulation Course - OMT Training - Dubai
Enrol for the 2-day course in Spinal Manipulation and get FREE access to Online modules (18 hours) including HD technique videos of:
- Cervical spine – 29 techniques,
- Lumbar spine – 27 techniques
- Foot/Ankle – 33 techniques
- Thoracic Spine
- Ribs
- Wrist/Hand
and Online courses:
- Blood pressure course (5 hours)
- Palpation course (3 hours)
- Red flags and Back pain (3 hours)
With 2 days of in-person hands-on training and 16 hours of pre-reading, this course is tailored to meet the needs of participants in addressing frequently encountered problems with the safe and effective delivery of specific HVT techniques. It looks to build your existing knowledge within HVT spinal manipulation and developing and refining your current skill base. Accurate and timely application of these techniques can aid the tissues and joint structures by:
- Rapid reduction in musculoskeletal pain and discomfort
- Encouraging faster tissue repair and recovery
- Increasing joint movement by stretching fibrous tissue and affecting the stretch reflex excitability
- Improving structural stability and integrity of the intervertebral disc
- Preventing degenerative changes to the articular surfaces
- Increasing the vascular circulation in and out of the joint
- Inhibiting the build-up of fluid and distension forces upon the tissues and joint
- Promoting healthy cellular homeostasis
Manipulative techniques for the following will be demonstrated:
- OA and AA techniques
- Cervical spine Manipulation (C1-C7/ Grade V techniques)
- Cervico-Thoracic Junction (C7-T1)
- Thoracic Spine (T1-T12)
- Ribs
- Thoracic Lumbar Junction (T12-L1)
- Lumbar Spine (L1-S1)
- Sacroiliac joint
- Gleno-humeral joint
- Elbow joint
- Wrist joint
- Hand and Foot joints
All techniques will be taught with an emphasis on final minor adjustments using minimal force and short and long lever techniques. This bespoke training course has been delivered and taught to therapists worldwide, with the OMT team, training prestigious organisations such as the medical teams at Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC.
Please Note:
- This course requires ALL students to receive and administer manipulation
- Students should NOT attend this course if there is any reason that prevents FULL participation
- This course is NOT suitable for participants who are pregnant
- Course handbooks will be provided, and the content of the handbook will be underpinned by a structured PowerPoint presentation by the lecturers
- Students will be expected to take extra notes regarding areas and techniques that will require more specific explanation or detailed clarification
- The Handbook and PowerPoints are solely to be used as an aide memoire; the lecturers will adapt the content of the course depending on the student's backgrounds or therapeutic discipline
- Students are ADVISED to refresh their knowledge of relevant anatomy and physiology prior to attending the course. If students fail to show the required level of knowledge, they may be asked to leave the course
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate a consolidation of existing knowledge and performance in pre-thrust spinal positioning for HVT thrust techniques for the spine, thorax, pelvis and peripheral manipulation techniques
- Describe and demonstrate minimal leverage, long and short lever techniques
- Have a safe, sound and effective background in the use of OMT Spinal Manipulation
- Relate the use of Manipulation to the treatment of acute and chronic pain, and for a number of musculoskeletal conditions
- Achieve high level of safety, clinical competence and overall, the confidence to use manipulation techniques