International Diploma in ERGON Technique Sports Course for Fitness Professionals
This Course has 2 Levels – Basic and Advanced. The Trainees must attend the Basic level first to join the Advanced Level. Trainees are given the opportunity to further expand their knowledge and practice of therapeutic approaches to various pathologies and injuries, to train participants in the use of Advanced Ergon Sport techniques in functional conditions and movements. This course will also highlight the functional assessment of various anatomic structures as well as the treatment of specific fascial points at myofascial meridians.
ERGON® Technique is an innovative development of older IASTM approaches (GUA SHA, GRASTON technique, SMART TOOLS technique, Tools assisted massage technique etc.) and is based on the myofascial meridians theory as first described by Thomas Myers.The ERGON® Soft Tissue Techniques are applied on specific points of tissue restrictions and fascial adhesions along the fascial meridians; when these are released, functionality improves within a few treatment sessions.
The Ergon Technique relies on unique clinical equipment called ERGON Tools.
Ergon Tools applied with special ERGON Technique can:
- detect and release –loosen scar tissues, adhesions and fascial stiffness
- increase local perfusion
- decrease muscle tone and myofascial pain
- assess with precision myofascial areas of high sensitivity
- restore biomechanical function of joints by dissolving adhesions, regaining normal myofascial rolling and reducing muscle spasm and pain
The therapeutic effect of ERGON® Technique is sustained for many days afterwards, and when combined with other treatment techniques (stretching and neuromuscular control exercises techniques) can even become permanent.
Learning Objectives of the BASIC ERGON - IASTM Sports Course
At the end of the training, trainees will have gained theoretical education on the subject of Fascia (Thomas Mayer Myofascial Meridians theory, soft tissue pathologies, fasciae, and their healing, being fully capable to:
- Assess possible fascial pathologies
- Approach areas difficult for the human fingers to access
- Actively intervene on hard tissue release cross-links between connective
- Restore range of motion of joints in a minimum number of treatment sessions
- Treat effectively most musculoskeletal pathologies/injuries
- Cause controlled and targeted re-injury in case of poor healing (tendinosis / overuse injury)
- Stimulate anabolic processes in connective tissues (collagen fibres)
- Accelerate tissue through fibroblast activation
- Facilitate reflex changes in chronically incorrect muscle activation patterns
- Effectively heal most neuro-musculoskeletal injuries
- Increase tension produced in one or more joints
- Combine techniques (ERGON® Technique and kinesiotherapy) - Facilitate functional rehabilitation
Learning Objectives of the ADVANCED ERGON - IASTM Sports Course
- Development of assessment skills for soft tissue dysfunctions
- Introduction of movement patterns combined with Basic and Advanced Ergon® strokes
- Discussion between trainees on the subject of particular patient cases where they applied Ergon® IASTM techniques in the period past the completion of the Advanced ERGON course
- Integration of exercises with resistance, stretching and neuromuscular control exercises with simultaneous use of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization techniques
- Integration of techniques combined with other means of physiotherapy (Bosu trainer®, TRX, balance disc, etc.) during the functional stage of rehabilitation
- Discussion of selected case studies featuring application of IASTM techniques
- Discussion of recent findings of worldwide literature on IASTM techniques. the human body (Physiotherapy and other Health Science students)