CME Hours

    Certified Functional Dynamic Cupping Practitioner Course - Dubai

    Early Bird Discount : AED 850 TILL 31 Dec 2024 ( 9 DAYS LEFT )
    Course by : Dr. Mihir Somaiya


    Certified Functional Dynamic Cupping Practitioner Course - Dubai

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping Practitioner course orates the necessary skill to safely adapt the integrated techniques into current soft tissue or manual therapy.

    The Hybrid Certified Practitioner Module is a one-day course and has a total credit of 12 Hours which consists of 3 hours of Pre-reading and 9 hours of Practical lab Session. It addresses vacuum therapies & its application on the human body based on the principles of lymphatic drainage, tissue stretch & tissue inlammatory responses. The Multi-regional treatment concepts are introduced with skilled & eficient techniques of Dynamic cupping with selection of appropriate sizes of cups based on the body contours, types of soft tissue restriction & design a treatment plan.

    The course signifies the crucial role of lymphatic system in human body as a part of immune system & fluid balance along with the disorganised fascial system due to abnormal translatory forces which can be restored by the application process of Functional Cupping with considerable evidence to support structure of vitality.

    Myofascial system has a harmonized collaboration with the articular, connective, lymphatic & neural system. A dysfunction in any of these mechanisms will result in loss of dynamic stability, body homeostasis & equilibrium with the formation of inlammatory responses.

    This course is evidence based modern development of ancient cupping Hijama approach, which signifies evaluation principles & effective treatment garnered to reduce pain, promote healing & restore normal function following an injury or trauma.

    The outline of Functional Dynamic Cupping Hybrid Module enables the therapist to design a plan of care with appropriate evaluation, diagnosis, treatment dosage & outcome measures

    General and Specific Objectives:

    The Delegate will be:

    • Versatile in the origin & foundation of principles of Dynamic  Cupping along with current evidence research work.
    • Adaptable in appropriate selection of sizes of cups according to the body contours, types of soft tissue restriction & design a treatment plan.
    • Able to list indications, contraindications, precautions & safe practice MKT Functional Cupping Techniques.
    • Multifaceted in the application & selection of various Static, Dynamic & Empty Dynamic Cupping techniques.
    • Able to interpret various types of particular (plastic, rubber, wooden, glass) cups available for the procedure with required bio mechanical effect.
    • Able to provide an integrated approach for rehabilitation along with graded outcome measures which consist of mixture of application, lymphatic drainage, activation of soft tissue for physiological & mechanical changes.
    • Assimilating & identifying the different presentations using Dynamic  cupping for trauma, injury, rehabilitation, recovery & sports speciic performance.
    • Able to explain the rationale for each treatment plan, differential diagnosis along with accurate treatment dosage.


    Dr. Mihir Somaiya

    DPT, MS, PT (USA)

    Founder & Chief Instructor - American Institute of Functional Integrated Dry Needling (AIFIDN)

    • PT, MPT Sports Physiotherapy, MS Pain Management USA • Chief Pain Management Consultant & Sports Physical Therapist at Prizorgo Pain Management & rehabilitation
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    8:00 – 8:30 am


    8:30 - 9:30 am

    • Introduction – theoretical basis of cupping, review of current research work
    • Types & Particulars of cupping kits & introduction of Dynamic  cups along with safety Guidelines and cross infection control
    • Indications, Adverse Effects, Precautions & Contraindications of Dynamic  cups for soft tissue dysfunctions

    9:30 - 10:30 am

    • Structure of Vitality (Mechanical & Physiological Effects)
    • Selection of static, dynamic, empty & versatile handling of Dynamic  cupping techniques
    • Incorporation with skill acquisition of selection of various sizes of cups according to the body contours, types of soft tissue restriction & the desired outcome measures of target tissues
    • Integration of Dynamic  cupping techniques into ongoing therapy/ treatment with dosage & frequency

    10:30 - 10:45 am

    Coffee break

    10:45 - 11:45 am

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping approach of:

    • Static Cupping
    • Weak Static Cupping
    • Medium Static Cupping
    • Strong Static Cupping

    11:45 am - 12:45 pm

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping approach of:

    • Dynamic Cupping
    • Weak Dynamic Cupping with or without body movement
    • Medium Dynamic Cupping with or without body movement
    • Strong Dynamic Cupping with or without body movement
    • Empty (Flash) Cupping

    12:45 - 1:45 pm

    Lunch and Prayer Break

    1:45 - 2:45 pm

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping approach for Face, Upper Limb & Shoulder Dysfunctions:

    • Assessment protocols along with clinical key & dynamic movement position
    • Integration of various cupping techniques (Static, Dynamic & Empty), dosage, frequency with Integration of body Movement to enhance Tissue Gliding Mechanism

    2:45 - 3:45 pm

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping approach for Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar Spine:

    • Assessment protocols along with clinical key & dynamic movement position
    • Integration of various cupping techniques (Static, Dynamic & Empty), dosage, frequency with Integration of body Movement to enhance Tissue Gliding Mechanism

    3:45 – 4:00 pm

    Coffee break

    4:00 – 5:00 pm

    Functional Dynamic  Cupping approach for Hip, Knee & Ankle:

    • Assessment protocols along with clinical key & dynamic movement position.
    • Integration of various cupping techniques (Static, Dynamic & Empty), dosage, frequency with Integration of body Movement to enhance Tissue Gliding Mechanism

    5:00 – 6:00 pm

    Exam and Certificate Distribution




    Out Of 5.0

    Early Bird Discount AED 850 Till 31 Dec 2024
    Course Fees : AED 1500

      This course includes :
      • 1 Day Hands-on Training Course

      • 8 International CPD accredited Course

      • 1 Cupping Set FREE for all participants

      • Internationally valid Certificate

      • Certificate of completion by MKT Healthcare Innovation - USA

    • Dates
       22-Feb-2025 To 22-Feb-2025
    • Accreditation
    • Venue
    • Eligibility
    • Download